Lula da Silva welcomed the Palestinian delegation and ignored Maduro's electoral fraud before the UN meeting

Lula da Silva welcomed the Palestinian delegation and ignored Maduro's electoral fraud before the UN meeting

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Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva at the Asamblea de la ONU (REUTERS/Mike Segar)
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva at the Asamblea de la ONU (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

Como de costume, the President of Brazil, Luis Inacio Lula da SilvaDrive the basic requirement to intervene in the Assembly General de las Naciones Unidas. Luego del Discurso del Secretary General de la ONU, Antonio Guterresand from Philemon YangPresident of the 79th session, the Jefe of the South American giant stadium Saludó to the Delegation of Palestine t Ignore Maduro’s electoral fraud.

I refer to the Conflicts in the world and he mentioned global warminggo Arson t Floods in his country.

“Sunday adopts us Pact for the future and the difficulty in demonstrating approval We have weakened our overall capacity to solve the problems“I believe that it is much more and more important for the Naciones to have the resources necessary to take the dizzying changes to an international level,” Lula said.

And further: “In 2023 I saw a very important record, the biggest conflict candidates of the second Guerra Mundial. The recursions of combat can only be used to fight against the Hambre. We see two conflicts simultaneously with the possibility of transforming them into generalized conflicts. Ukrainevemos like the war is extiende. It is clear that all parts are achieving their goals in the fight against the military“, indicates the title of the Trabajadores party, while the time is pointed out Plan for China and its country as a way to a solution.

Lula da Silva was the main actor who appeared in the ONU assembly (REUTERS/Mike Segar)
Lula da Silva was the main actor who appeared in the ONU assembly (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

Respecto a la Guerra en Medio Oriente, expressed: “Gaza is a humanitarian crisis of the population in the recent pasty ahora se extiende peligrosamente al Lebanon. “I converted from being a terrorist against innocent Israeli terrorists in a collective against the Palestinians.”

Then Climate change and tired: “It is impossible to “deplanetize” our lives.There is a dependence on the matter of climate change, for example. The denial must be made before examining global warming. In el sur de Brasil sufrimos las mayores Floods since the decade of the 1970s preventive arson It is extended to all countries of the country. También sufrimos una Follow-up record“.

This month it was said: “I do not give up my sobriety and do not think about my responsibilities. No tolerance for mediocre crimesWe have reduced deforestation in the Amazon by 50% this year and by 2030. Brazil is a good opportunity. Somos uno de los países with the mezcla energética más limpia”.

Nicolás Maduro committed electoral fraud in VenezuelaLula has carried out an analysis of the general situation in the region. “América Latina has been living for a second decade since 2014. There is a combination of growth and design height levels. It is not possible to represent Cuba in a list of states that support terrorism. Haiti It is urgent to take medicine to restore democratic order. “Brazilians have spoken out against the dictators who intend to abandon the institutions,” they said – without explicit explanation – about the intention to overtake the state.

Lula da Silva (REUTERS/Mike Segar)
Lula da Silva (REUTERS/Mike Segar)

Lastly I spoke about artificial intelligence (IA) and del ham In the world. Respecto a la primera, reflectionó: “We are interested in an IA of emancipationto strengthen cultural diversity and protect personal data. “What a tool for peace and not for war”.

En cuanto al hambre, subrayó: “9% of the world's population is under-fed and the problems are particularly severe in Africa and Asia. Women and girls represent the majority of people in the world. “There is a wave of political decisions,” is the conclusion.

La Asamblea General approved the final main document of the Commission – “Pact of the future“on 42 pages – the Pasado domingo por la mañana with a Golpe de martillo del Presidente de la Asamblea, Philemon Yangby consensus, after the organism had voted 143-7 with 15 abstentions, to take into account the hostilities of Russia to cause it substantial damage.

The pact is a plan to abolish the world networks, due to conflicts and climate change, through artificial intelligence and the reform of the UN and world institutions. The effects will depend on the application, which comes from 193 countries of the Assembly.

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