“For an hour, Aitor strove for maximum intensity”

“For an hour, Aitor strove for maximum intensity”

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The effects of the Aitor storm will continue in the coming hours, with a temporary light and horizon that affected everything on the Norwegian peninsula. The AEMET has activated recommendations.

José Miguel Viñas

José Miguel Viñas 7 minutes

The effects of the Borrasca Aitor – the first to be named in the period 2024-2025 – were notarized in the Norwegian peninsula, leaving the traces of the Sureste and later invoked, especially in Galicia. In the next few hours, the intensification was intensified and Iran closed off other areas in the peninsula. In the Rías Baixas he had met a lover during the Madrugada, and it was an intense time in the run-up to the yearcovering many more areas.

Use a maximum of 100 l/m² in all zones

AEMET has activated its activity in recent months for its intensive stays along the entire coast of Coruña and Pontevedra, as well as in the interior of this provinceThe amarillos avisos extend over the rest of the municipality of Gallega, in the north and west of the province of León, in the area of ​​the Cordillera Cantábrica (inland Asturias and Cantabria, as in the north of Castile and León), as well as in the northern sector of León Ibérico system in Burgos and La Rioja.

In the mentioned zones, Los Vientos Alcánzarán Rachas drove to many Fuertes, at a speed of 80 km/h (Puntualmente algo mayores) next to the high mountain peaks like in the Gallego Litoral, I aspire to a journey back in time to the sea.

The frente frío ligado a Aitor is connected to an atmospheric river on the lake, And you don't know that it can give intense and sustained light output at a rate of 80 l/m2 at 12 o'clock, with peaks of 15 l/min2 One hour in the north of Coruña and Rías Baixas.

In western Galicia the situation was very adverse, as 200 l/m2 were subsequently consumed locally.

In Pontevedra, more than 200 l/m² can be consumed as a resultmientras que en otras Galicia, east de Zamora, Noroeste de León, puntos de Gredos y Pirineo oscense rondarán los 100 l/m².

With the advance of the jornada, the luvias –acompañadas de vientos fuertes del suroeste– Alcánzarán and other areas of the Noroeste and Extremo Oeste peninsulas. Visited in the rest of Galicia, such as Asturias, inland Cantabria, north and east of Castile and León, Extremadura, east of Castile, La Mancha and Andalusia. Nubosidad extends over most of the peninsula territory. The warm air flow and the hot air lead to a general increase in temperature

Lluvia is locally intense and lives at the Paso del Frente

Mañana jueves el frente frío que citábamos, asociado a la borrasca Aitor and food por the río atmosférico, irá cruzando the PeninsulaThese are generalized and intense (local areas) in the northern region, which is located in Extremadura, the center of the region and the area of ​​La Rioja, Navarra and the North of Aragon.

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The current is very windy over a large part of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands. In the last hours of the day, the Frente Déjará Algunas was operating in the Meseta Sur and Colindantes zones, causing them more difficulties. Postfrontal air cooling provokes a thermal descent On the Norwegian peninsula, you must appoint a notary in the interior areas for the last hour. Only the temperatures in the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands are measured.

Mañana rejoiced with the Frente Frio over the peninsula after seeing the most abundant rain in the northeast. Además, the atmosphere will be desapacable due to the strong wind.

The Viernes Frente left the peninsula and the Balearic archipelagoThe rainy areas of the interior of Andalusia, such as in the extreme case of Castilla-La Mancha and the Sierras of the interior of Andalusia, will be very dry. Use the houses of the Mediterranean area and do not expect any significant rainfall.

La Jornada was full of dreams and great winds on the far northern peninsula where she crossed the skyspurred by the blow of Aitor, which will remain for a long time in Cantabria. Salvo in these areas, in the rest of the peninsula, when they left the houses until the late solitude ensued.

The situation in the Northwest was at its worst when it prevailed in the second half of the week and the first few hours of the game.

Temperatures are dropping, hail on the Canary Islands. In the media and in the mountains of the Pyrenees, Alguna was produced in Nevada because it was exposed to nighttime difficulties.

End of the week countercyclical

Shortly before the end of the week in which the second week was spent in Spain, a rise in temperature beganThe high pressures will be distributed across the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, and they will have to leave the cities. Today it is visited by many people in the Cantábrico Oriental, in the north of Navarra and the province of Huesca, with Alguna Nevada debil in the Pirineos. At the latest now, there may be torments in the north of Catalonia.

The state of peace was chilly, especially in the north, near mountainous areas.

The Domingo radiated the sun throughout most of Spain, adoring the ambience with more warmth in the central hours of the dayMaximum temperatures will exceed 30 °C in Seville and Córdoba, and temperatures will be very high in other Andalusian capitals such as Huelva, Jaén and Granada, as well as in Badajoz and Murcia.

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