The autumn mood of each zodiac sign

The autumn mood of each zodiac sign

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Photo illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

In case you haven't noticed, the sun is getting lower in the sky. (Bye, little summer; hello, (working title) autumn.) And starting Sunday, September 22, the sun officially reaches the celestial equator—the cosmic center here on planet Earth—making it equal parts day and night: the autumnal equinox.

The Fall Equinox corresponds to the beginning of the Libra season (aptly symbolized by the scales, which represent balance and harmony) and, from a mystical perspective, serves as a sort of otherworldly checkpoint. The Fall Equinox is a threshold, a gateway. At the Fall Equinox, we temporarily straddle darkness and light. Movement and stillness. Action and surrender. And the fact that this Fall Eclipse coincides with the time of the solar eclipse makes this special moment The much more dynamic.

So what does this autumn equinox mean for you? Here's what each sign needs to know about this crucial, temporary change in mood for the season!

Normally, people prefer to concentrate on your personal goals instead of wasting your precious time worrying about what Miscellaneous do, but with the Autumn Equinox activating the area of ​​your chart related to partnerships, you begin to refocus your gaze. Perhaps your relationships can help you get where you want to go? Perhaps nurturing and maintaining these bonds is important in both the short and long term? On the other hand, if certain relationships are draining you of energy, this is an excellent time to reevaluate their value. For you, the Autumn Equinox is about making room for the right people who truly align with your goals.

At the fall equinox, the sun moves into the sector of your chart associated with health and habits. That means it's time to rethink how your daily actions affect your overall well-being. Even if you'd rather go apple picking or refresh your Halloween decorations than, say, reorganize your to-do list, remember that even the smallest changes can have a powerful ripple effect. Think of it as planting seeds for long-term growth: nurturing yourself through conscious choices is a form of self-care.

Feeling nervous? Of course you are, Gemini! You crave excitement and inspiration, and that's what the fall equinox is all about for you. (Hallelujah!) Now you'll feel an extra burst of energy to express yourself in new and imaginative ways. Whether you're starting a creative project, flirting with the barista while ordering an obligatory pumpkin-flavored drink, or experimenting with fashion trends (Tabi shoes?), this is your season to celebrate that quintessential Gemini game.

With the Autumn Equinox moving the Sun into the sector of your chart associated with home, family, and foundations, you are directing your energy back to the areas where it matters most. As you work hard toward your larger ambitions, this is your invitation to pause and reflect on what drives those goals. Don't be surprised if memories and nostalgia unexpectedly rise up, prompting you to reconnect with your roots or redefine your sense of belonging. Honestly, this is Exactly what you do best, so prepare yourself for success.

If you've been feeling a little strange and isolated lately, I have good news for you: The Fall Equinox will shift the energy back to a social, communicative area of ​​your chart. This time of year encourages you to expand your social horizons, so don't be afraid to make new friends, Leo! I know it can be a little scary to venture out among people, but this is an excellent time to connect with people who share your goals and interests. Get out there and chat with them!

Yes, your birthday season is now behind you (sad!), but a whole other party is just getting started. Since the fall equinox activates the area of ​​your chart associated with personal finances and values, this is an excellent time to really analyze your relationship with money. (Yay?) By thinking about how you truly value yourself beyond material success, you can begin to reshape your financial perspective. Consider how your spending aligns with your values ​​and whether you're investing in things that actually support your well-being. This is your moment to redefine what money is. Really means for you.

Happy birthday! Enjoy the rays of the autumn equinox that illuminate your natural grace, charm and beauty. I love it. Now is your time to step into the spotlight and accept all the love and attention that is being given to you. Instead of focusing on others and how they perceive You, give yourself permission to just exist. What brings you the most joy? What makes you shine? Embrace your desires, make space for yourself, and when in doubt, don't be afraid to get a little weird.

As the sun moves into Libra and the autumn equinox ushers in a season of balance, your gaze turns inward. Over the next few weeks, you'll be called to explore deeper emotional bonds and revisit some potentially uncomfortable memories from the past that (annoyingly) still affect you today. You're a tough cookie, Scorpio—but don't be afraid to show real vulnerability (yes, even to yourself). You don't have the time and space to explore the nooks and crannies of your psyche every day, so lean into the process and enjoy this quiet introspection… for now. After all, your birthday season is next.

Sagittarius, as the sun moves into Libra and the autumnal equinox approaches, you're full of energy and ready to expand your horizons – socially, culturally, and intellectually. This time of year activates the area of ​​your chart associated with friendships, communities, and networks, urging you to connect with like-minded people who appreciate your quirks and idiosyncrasies. This is your chance to expand your sphere of influence, Sagittarius, so show up and make yourself known.

Capricorn, as Libra season begins with the fall equinox, your attention to career and ambition is sharpening. But, of course! That's exactly how you thrive. With the sun illuminating the area of ​​your chart associated with reputation, your hard work is guaranteed to attract the attention of important people – so don't be surprised if an exciting career opportunity lands in your inbox. This is your moment to step into the spotlight, so stay alert and polish up your LinkedIn profile. Something big could be just around the corner!

As the sun illuminates the area of ​​your life associated with travel, higher education, and new experiences, you feel a strong urge to expand your horizons. Wanderlust and deep, innate curiosity are driving you right now, meaning you're ready to change things up in significant ways. Take the opportunity to explore new perspectives and environments, whether physical or intellectual. The coming weeks offer plenty of opportunities to expand your vision of what's possible.

The Sun's movement into Libra calls you to go within and explore some deep, emotional experiences. As a water sign, you're familiar with this kind of self-examination…but that doesn't mean it's necessarily easy. This is a powerful time for self-reflection, reflection, and processing the past. Use this opportunity to examine (and perhaps re-examine) any unresolved feelings or past wounds and — when in doubt — share your thoughts with your closest companions. Authentic connections and deep conversations offer clarity, healing, and closure now. You can do this.

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