CSTO threatens Armenia's existence and statehood, says Prime Minister Pashinyan

CSTO threatens Armenia's existence and statehood, says Prime Minister Pashinyan

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YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 18, ARMENPRESS. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said Armenia froze its membership in the CSTO because the bloc posed a threat to the country's existence and had failed to fulfill its obligations.

“We have frozen our membership in the CSTO not only because the CSTO is not fulfilling its security obligations to Armenia, but also because the CSTO, in our opinion, poses a threat to Armenia's security and the future existence, sovereignty and statehood of Armenia. And we have frozen our membership in the CSTO,” Pashinyan said at the Global Armenian Summit when asked about the changes in the country's security architecture.

He said the less the CSTO answers Armenia's questions, the more the country distances itself from the bloc.

Responding to a question about whether Armenia was considering returning to the Union, Prime Minister Pashinyan said the country's membership would only be restored if it received substantive answers to its questions.

“Two years have passed since we put forward these arguments, and not only have there been no answers, but it is obvious that there will be no answers at all. Even if it is not obvious, I can say that with every minute and second, the more no answers are heard, the more Armenia distances itself from the CSTO. And there is a point, the point of no return, and if we have not crossed it, there is a high probability that we will cross it. And no one will have any legitimate reason or reason to blame us for that,” Pashinyan said.

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