The Meteorological Service is sending out a series of warnings for distress and danger

The Meteorological Service is sending out a series of warnings for distress and danger

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At the end of a week full of Humedad and Algunas Lluvias, el Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN) sent out a series of alerts on November 4th for several ordeals and horrific events that occurred in the Porteño district. Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, Córdoba and other 13 provinces at a great pace.

Due to its temperature alarm system, the SMN said that “Meteorological weather stations for society, life, welfare and the middle atmosphere” for the jornada de hoy. Particular attention came when he reached all the real territory from the center of the province Tapalque j Olavarria Hasta the Costa Atlantica during the week and no later than Monday, with a maximum of 20°C y viento sur con ráfagas de hasta 60 kilometers per hour. In Santa Fe there was also evidence of torment in Corto Plaza for the next few hours.

The warnings about Amarillas and Naranjas popping up across the countrySMN

But there is a risk that the warning will not reach the Porteño y el district Area Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA), a warning of a very low degree, amarilla, also torturous and intense. As I reported, there was a future concentration of precipitation ahead of the sun, with a trend extending late into the night. The maximum temperature in the federal capital was between 24 °C and 19 °C. Similar conditions apply to the north and this good land and over Córdoba.

On the other hand, in the north of the country it is expected that they have received a warning from part of the national organism. Salta, Jujuy j Tucuman There are problems with the temperature before it starts 27°C j 30°C At most, hasta 16°C j 0°C in the most extensive zones of the Cordillera de los Andes. As I spent the night, I felt the intensity of the torment and there was a noticeable drop in temperature.

Asimismo, en las provinces de Neuquen, Rio Negro, Chubut j Santa Cruz This is a very alarming alarm, which is in Spanish for many countries and Nevada in the largest part of the Territory of Patagonia. In the Cordillera region you have to concentrate to the maximum every day 6°C j 11°Cand a minimum of 2°C. This more valuable route to the Atlantic Ocean.

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